As an ICF MCC Assessor and Mentor, Fran will provide an insider introduction to the new MCC performance evaluation system that is currently utilized by the ICF MCC assessors. The new system includes individual Behavioral Statements under each Core Competency, and the BARS rating system for each statement. The program will be a highly interactive learning environment and include a 10-minute video DEMO.
Coaches at all levels of mastery will be encouraged to start embracing the essence of the MCC behavioral statements/ ANCHORS for their own development and the benefit of their clients. They will learn a simple model they can start applying in their coaching: The FIVE Key Essential Qualities for Master.
Participants will take away:
- Greater clarity about the new MCC Behavioral Statements and BARS rating system, utilized by ICF assessors for performance evaluations.
- How to apply the Five KEY Qualitative Essentials for MCC mastery.
Greater understanding about the distinctions between PCC and MCC levels of mastery.